Sunday 8 January 2017

Battle Report #6: Butcher3 vs Issyria1

January 8, 2017
Scenario: Entrenched
Opponent: Kevin B
Initiative: Kevin

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans

Max Sentinals + UA

Yay! Pictures......BUUUUUT only 2.  Bow before the glory of my proxies! And his hyperion popped off the base.  Probably good I didn't take too many pictures.  Kevin is just getting back into the game after a break, so we played a pretty loose game

-He runs up, I run up as shown

-Butcher is camping 2 and Kevin goes into the tank debating an assassination
-Issyria feats casts blinding light through his chimera, he moves up his AD MHSF and puts 8 shots into butcher at dice-8.  He only does 4 pts of damage and I don't spend butcher's focus
-Kevin abandons his assassination plan and instead focuses the rest of his shots (MHSF and Hyperion) to remove the marauder

-Butcher uses his vengeance move to move up, cast impending, kill 4 MHSF then advances backwards out of hyperions melee threat range.
-One unit of eliminators charge his sentinels, killed 4 and tying up another 3, Uhlans kill chimera and reposition onto the flag to score
-Ruin and Alexia get fueled up on souls, but silly me forgets to put either of them near butcher
-Other uhlans and eliminators kill more MHSF

-Butcher is camping 2, and I forget about vengeance on the sentinels...uh oh
-I also forget Issyria has flight so with only 1 velocity move, she can get into range to blinding light butcher and she casts crusaders call
-Hyperion moves up and shoots butcher and gets a couple more points on him
-With his vengeance and crusaders call he his able to get 4 sentinels onto butcher.  All hit and no tough.

Sad Butcher :(  (I moved a red eliminator before taking the picture, she was farther up the board)

-I easily could have kept butcher safe with better placement, but good on Kevin for capitalizing especially with only a few minutes left on his clock (lot of tank time).  Otherwise I was in a pretty spot
-Drakhun is great for tying up and kill MHSF and eliminators are amazing at doing the same to sentinels
-Need to work on better side steps to maximize jam potential
-Also need to make sure eliminators survive his feat turn so they can take care of the sentinels
-Perhaps putting them behind uhlans so the opponent at least need to kill 1-2 cav models before they can get los to the elims
-Issyria's assassination needs to be respected, the feat plus all her shooting is surprisingly dangerous, even to Butcher, I definitely did not respect it this game
-Ruin will be important for knocking off Inviolable Resolve, either off the sentinels so butcher can drag them in, or off Hyperion so he's only arm 19
-Should try to set up a situation that butcher goes in to finish off hyperion and then feats to stay safe from sentinels

-I'm liking Butcher as a ret drop so far (1 game deep), the list seems decent so far, Kevin mentioned how difficult his list has at removing cavalry from range, so the double min uhlans might be good to keep. Kevin is going to replace one MHSF unit with Invictors, this will give him better game into my cav, hopefully we can play the matchup again soon  Will continue to test the list

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