Sunday, 19 February 2017

Battle Report #20 - Butcher1 vs Sloan1

February 19, 2017
Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Geoff M
Initiative: Me


4x Marauders
3x min rifles w/9 total rockets
Mortar (free)
Field Gun (free)

2x Hunter
Max Trenchers w/CA & 3 rifle grenades

This time I do remember to advance move the jacks.  Marauders on the left turtle up to protect ruin.  Sloan feats and damages a marauder on the left and leaves one on the right on 3 boxes.  Some bad dice and not getting sloan into shoot means he doesn't kill a jack. 

Marauder on the left moves onto the flag to force him to contest.  Marauder on the right contests right flag.  Middle left marauder runs up to engage 3 trenchers, removing dig in from them.  My mortar shoots it in the back misses but scatters forwards killing the 3 trenchers (or toughs them and rifle corp finish them off.)  Rifle corp and rockets focus on the grenedier and take him down.  Ruin charges to get into the rubble.


Hunters, defender and sloan kill ruin (I always underestimate her out put, even against khador jacks).  The 2 remaining trencher grenades kill 5 rifles and a rocket (stupid bunching up).  Other trenchers kill some rifles and put some damage on a marauder.  Minuteman moves up and slugs the left marauder, spiking hard to take out his cortex and right arm. 

Left middle marauder gets full focus and kills 4 trenchers.  I need to kill the minute man contesting my left flag so I could start scoring.  Decide to burn my feat to make sure it happens.  Couple rockets and rifles made sure it happens.  Other rifles kill some trenchers, but damn, def 17 is hard to hit. 

(Missing Picture)

Trenchers kill some more rifles, and the defender and hunters keep hammering away at my jacks, they are all getting really beat up, losing most systems.  Arlan charges my left marauder, and the GMCA also contest (he should have held him back to contest the following turn).

Middle marauders and rifles kill most of the remaining trenchers, leaving 2 alive and fin on 1 box.  Marauder on left takes a free strike and remains touching the flag.  Rifles and rockets kill arlan and GMCA.  Left maurader continues to trundle towards hunters. 2-0

Game is pretty well over at this point.  He can't kill butcher because of sac pawn and high armour, and his ability to contest my left flag is dwindling.  We play 2 more turns but there was no question of the outcome.

I played this matchup pretty bad I feel, I lost too many rifles to bad positioning, and rifle positioning is key to this list.  I haven't really talked about what its supposed to do, but its pretty straight forward and self explanatory.  Butchers feat is for extreme damage at range.  Maruaders and field gun Knock heavies down for rockets to focus fire on.  Rifles CRA to take out infantry to cav (on feat turn).  Very straight forward, but very strong. 

I chose butcher1 over vlad1 for a few reasons, tho I'm not sure its the stronger option.  Vlad brings the turn to turn accuracy and damage.  But Butcher brings the single turn of crushing damage output and he brings Ruin.  Ruin and Butcher are my only magic weapons in my pairing (Irusk2) so that's why I chose him.  Maybe I'll try vlad after the next convention.  His feat for 12" threat jacks is really strong over Butchers very static threat range jacks (tho ruin is good with his 11" threat).

Battle Report #19 - Butcher1 vs Goreshade2

February 19, 2017
Scenario: Outlast
Opponent: Bryce J
Initiative: Me


4x Marauders
3x min rifles w/9 total rockets
Mortar (free)
Field Gun (free)

Max Blackbanes
Max Raiders + CA
Max Bane Thralls
2x Necro Surgeon
6 scrapthralls
Machine Wraith
Soul Trapper

Well its been quite awhile since my last post.  Went to the LVO, made it to the top 16, but came 10th after that, so not great.  Awesome convention tho.  I didn't take any pictures so not going to do any write ups about them, but got to play a lot of lists I've never played against before, as well as some big names like Trevor Christianson and Chuck Elsworth (who got revenge for me knocking him out of masters last year!).  Realized my pairing had some weaknesses, the butcher list in particular was somewhat subpar and with the change to the theme list, the hark list has to be reworked (likely to what I was playing before). 

Tho after about 25 games with Hark in a month, it was time for a new pairing.  Trying out this Butcher1 list paired with an Irusk2 list.  I have played games since the LVO but kept forgetting pictures so wasn't writing about them.  Also spent a week in mexico, but am now back to it! Anyways, onto the bat rep.

Bryce is one of our local cryx players and although he tends to play unorthodox lists, he's very skilled and very calculating and is one of the best players in the local Victoria meta.  I have played very little Cryx in mk3 and wasn't really sure how to go about the matchup, but knowing he had a fair amount of incorporeal in his one list, I figured I should drop butcher as his list has my only magic weapons in my pairing (as well as armory with Irusk2)

I run up, he runs up.  IF goes on Butcher.  Occultation goes on the bane thralls and mirage on the raiders.  It isn't until after the game that I realize I forget to advance move my jacks.  Damn vacation making me rusty.

(Picture taken after he mirages his raiders and blackbanes).  Joe yells at the left rifle corp and they all aim.  8/9 of them hit and kill a raider.  Leaving 2 alive in the rubble and 1 alive way in the back to be safe for gorshades feat.  My jacks move into the zones, ruin positions outside banethrall threat and more importantly, machine wraith threat.  Damn I hate that thing.

Blackbanes charge and kill some rifles on the right.  Remaining raiders do the same on the left.  Deathjack gets mirage.  Machine Wraith covers the right zone so I can't get ruin in the zone to start killing blackbanes.

I continue attritioning him down, know that once he feats, I'm gonna be jammed to all hell.  Black banes are also going to become a problem since for every winter guard they kill, one more ghost pirate joins the fight, butcher charges a blackbane then arcs a boosted oblit into blackbane himself, since he cannot be feated back....but I miss the boosted 7.

Doesn't really matter anyways cause this turn I die.  Once again its a slam that gets me.  Death jack mirages from outside the building.  The machine wraith charges a marauder and moves it into perfect minimum slam distance.  Death jack slams the marauder into butcher, blocking him down and pushing butcher towards his army.  Deathjack hex blasts off IF.  Goreshade feats and with butcher now closer to the cryx army, a feated bane thrall is able to walk to engage butcher.  Goreshade puts curse of shadows on butcher and then 5 blackbanes kill him with little issue.

Should have found a safer way to get rid of black bane, maybe even ignored him for another turn.  Hard to say how the game would have gone if i kept butcher safe, but between all the mech thralls and scrap thralls bryce brought 19 models back on feat turn, it was rough.  Not sure if I would have been able to chew through that.  Hard to say.  Need more cryx experience, particularly against players like Bryce.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Battle Report #18 - Butcher3 vs Haley2

January 29, 2017
Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Greg

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)

Squire (Free)
Max Lances
Min Lances
Junior (Free)
Min Field Mechanics

This was the final table of a local 11 man steamroller.  Greg and I are both prepping for the LVO and we have relatively even record against each other so we knew it was going to be a tight game.  Greg felt his Haley3 didn't quite have enough arm cracking to deal with Harkevich as he is my normal Cygnar drop.  However entrenched is a scenario that Butcher loves, and with Orin and Ruin in the list he has some solid tools in the Haleys.  Giddyup.

End of Round 1.  Haley TK's 4 models and everything runs up.  I run up everything as well, trying to keep my forces spread out so Haley can't feat on everything.  While trying to keep Butcher out of feat range and still threatening the zone, I make a stupid mistake and place Ruin outta control.  Kell aims and kills a stormlance.  Not sure why Greg put them so close.

Thorn moves up, dominates the marauder forward which gets killed by Laddermore and a stormclad.  His max lance unit shifts over to cover his zone, knowing Butcher can easily clear and dominate, he doesn't want to put anything with 12" of Butcher in fear of losing too much.  He kills my jamming Uhlan, and the one behind the forest gets killed by eleaps.  Haley doesn't feat.

Ruin was out of control.  Stupid stupid mistake.  Kell aims and shoots the stormclad for 6pts.  Only need to do 5pts of damage to column 4 or 5 to take out the cortex now.  I move Butcher into the zone and position with entourage around him.  The drakhun covers most of the zone while staying outside of charge threat range of the lance that can see him.  I send Ruin into the damaged stormclad, but dont hit the right column.  If only I could have allocated to him.  My Uhlans charge his objective, bad dice require 3 of them to kill it, I jam with them and position the drakhun in the corner of the zone.  2-0.

(Missing Picture)

He clears out all my uhlans, puts 7 pts on my left drahun, and TK's him outt the zone.  Haley feats and moves far forward and barely clips the eliminator that I had positioned to run into the zone to contest.  Nothing on my right side is under feat.  He boxes out the zone so after my drakhun kills a lance he can't repo in.  Ruin dies but it takes a stormclad, 2 lances and a firefly charge to bring him down.  Go Ruin.  Everything is just outside of butchers 12" threat.  He runs the mechanic officer in to contest just outside of counter charge range.  2-1.

Kell aims and kills a lance.  With the mechanic in the zone, Butcher has his charge target.  He charges the mechanic pulls in the firefly and stormclad, killing them both.  He feats and energizes behind the wall.  Left flank doesn't do too much and unfortunately I can't contest.  3-2.

(Missing Picture)

Greg mops up the left side but has difficulty contesting.  He runs arcane shields laddermore and runs her into the zone.  She takes a free strike from an argus and a countercharge from my wardog, but she conests. 3-3.

Drakhun charges a lances, hills him and repo's into mechanics and Jr.  Bokur dismounts laddermore, bucher flashing blades her then backs up into the rubble.  I position my guys as so. 4-3

(Missing Picture)

To contest Greg runs Thorn to TK a dog, then TK the stormclad so the stormclad can run into my zone.  With a TK and a charge from haley, the lances and Jr are able to kill my Drakhun.  Greg clocks to me with 1 second left on his clock. 4-4.

All I have to do is kill the stormclad and clock over to him since we would both score to 5 and then he would time out.  Butcher easily kills the stormclad, and my dog is able to run to contest just for good measure.  5-4.  

Oh man this was a great game!  Couple mistakes on both sides, but when is there not?  Butcher is really strong in entrenched and going second (even against H2) probably won me the game, not that it was my choice tho.  The terrain also helped as he didn't have access to pathfinder, which is a problem with the Storm Division.  Although it does allow more beef in the list. 

The double drakhun is great in this list.  The double Uhlans.....I'm not sure about, I've thought about dropping a unit for a Juggernaut, but being able to act outside of 12" from butcher is really good, especially in scenario's like this one or recon.  Anyways, I'm not gonna make any changes this close to the LVO.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Battle Report #17 - Butcher3 vs Xerxis2

January 20, 2017
Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Matt R
Initiative: Me

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)
Molik Karn
Desert Hydra
Max Swordsment + UA
Max paingivers 

Our Skorne player is back, and its great to see Skorne on the table.  Hardly ever saw them in mk2 and never played against them in mk3.  Matt hasn't played many games recently and is a little rusty.

End of Round 1.  Camera must not have flashed.  Matt chooses sides but probably chose the wrong side as it made maneuvering 2 huge bases difficult.  He does not have much experience doing this.  I forget to move my left drakhun up.  Damn 2D proxy.

I don't commit much this turn.  Kell aims and kills 2 swordsmen, orin kills 2 and elminators kill two.  Eliminators move up to provide a difficult target for his swordsmen and prevent jamming of my uhlans.  One Uhlan with SoD on it charges molik to get some early damage on him and with any luck, knock him down.  But I fail to roll a 6 for my impact hit. and stop just outside of melee.  Butcher (who is the yellow proxy between the bokur and the 2d Drakhun, stays just outside of the Hydra's massive 14" range.  Ruin and the marauder hide behind the forest just outside of 11" from the hydra. 

With Ruin threatening the Hydra, Matt feels that he should send it in and try to do some good damage at pow 22.  Xerxis feats and clears the uhlan from infront of molik.  The hydra tramples then procedes to buy 3 attacks on ruin.  Ruin survives with 3 boxes, with his right arm and cortex functional.  Uh oh.  Molik charges 15" into my marauder (I should have moved ruin a bit to the left and stayed out of Moliks range).  Matt doesn't jam my drakhun with swordsmen and I get a counter charge on molik, doing 13pts of damage taking out his mind.  Maurader goes down and a huge spike on the objective leaves it on 1.  Swordsmen kill one eliminator.

A fully loaded ruin, 2 drakhuns and a bokur kill the hyrda and the guys on the right side mostly clean up the swordsmen.  Butcher moves onto the flag to score.

 Matt's pretty well boned at this point.  He decides for X2 to shift towards the right and perhaps clear and score that flag, but he comes up short.  Paingivers contest.

Another dark picture.  Middle Uhlans kill objective, flag is cleared and both drakhuns tie up the paingivers.  I go to 3 at the end of this turn and with no way to contest, Matt concedes.

X2 is terrifying with the amount of speed he can bring.  My Butcher list is supposed to be fast but Xerxis puts it to shame!  And its skorne so the amount of damage it can inflict is crazy!  Plus with fate walker Molik is hard to pin down!  So many threats!  So many exclamation points!  I think effectively piece trading with skorne is going to be very important in the matchup.  I feel that with access to the extoller and with how hard skorne hits, Harkevich is probably not great.  Tho perhaps the sheer volume of jacks maybe enough that skorne chokes since their strong beaters tend to be more expensive than khador jacks.  Anyways, for know its Butcher's game.  I'll need to get more practice in vs them because Skorne seem to have a ton of legit casters now.

Battle Report #16 - Butcher3 vs Amon1

January 20, 2017
Scenario: Extraction
Opponent: Bryan T
Initiative: Bryan

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)

min Choir
min Choir
Vassal Mechanic
Free Vassal
Free Vassal
Free Covenant of Menoth

I think Hark is generally going to be my Menoth drop, but I wanted to get practice with Butcher and see how he can play into Amon WITH the book.  Luckily Kell and eliminators can threat the book decently so I feel its at least a game.

He runs up in such a way that if I move up and shoot nearly any jack with Kell he can string it through shield guards onto the left templar that has enliven on it.  Templar on the left has fortify.  I move up as shown.  Staying out of threat range of everything except for one of butchers dogs.

Bryan decides to be conservative and tank up.  He contests the left flag with the fortified templar but does not contest the right flag.  Bryan admits after that that was a mistake.  I drop SoD from the middle Uhlans and put it on Ruin.  I send a fully loaded Ruin into the fortified templar and with some good dice he kills it outright.  One uhlan from the middle unit charges a the dervish behind the now dead templar but misses the boosted 8 and reforms into the flag. Right drakhun goes B2B with the flag to score.  Kell shoots some jacks and everything else moves up.   2-0 for me.

 (I took the picture before I moved the wardog within 3" of Butcher).  Bryan see's a chance to assassinate butcher who is only camping 2 focus.  I forgot about the side steps. but I still feel like butcher is pretty safe, baring some spiking.  So Bryan doesn't allocate anything, feats and casts all his spells, allocates all 7 focus.  He kills the uhlans on the left as well as Ruin and left eliminators getting his synergy chain up to 3.  I accidently leave my marauder within 10" of the crusader and it gets killed as well.

He charges a dervish at my drakhun, hits him twice (doesn't dismount) and the 2 side steps gets him into butcher.  However, he has to disengage the drakhun to make room for the second dervish, so the drakhun counter charges, does some damage and more importantly, gets out of charge range of the second dervish.  So he buys 2 attacks on butcher missing the first and doing 8pts of damage (3pts) to Butcher.   Templar goes into drakhun and dismounts him.

He has the book doing anti-magic so butcher has a limited area he can stand in and do his stuff.  Drakhun charges the fortified Templar and takes out his shield.  My eliminators also charge and combo strike but I do hardly any damage at all.  Butcher flashing blades the dervish in front of him and charges the front crusader.  He pulls in 2 dervishes and kills all 3.  Sitting on 5 focus after feat.  All my charge various things and do quite a bit of damage and gum things up to protect butcher.  But some crappy positioning on my part stops me from getting any uhlans on the damaged Templar.

Bryan kills 4 uhlans and 2 eliminators.  He moves the templar onto the left flag to bring the game to 2-1.  Fortunately for me all 3 of his lights are heavily damanged as is his templar.  Unfortunately Bryan had to go pick up his game so we have to cut the game short.  It seems like we're in a reletively even position so it would depend on how my next turn went.  Bryan said he felt that the game was mine.

Anyways, this seems like a pretty good matchup, with a bit of favour towards Amon assuming he has the book.  The three shield guards helps keep the book alive since Amon doesn't have a good way at removing Kell, perhaps with a WMM in the list as well it would do better.  Trying to position the eliminators so they can threaten the book is probably pretty important. 

His jacks hit like trucks with synergy and battle, and hit really high defense so whatever he gets to he can kill.  Need to use my speed and send my stuff in in waves.  Putting my marauder at 9.9" away from the crusader was a silly mistake.  I think Hark is still my Menoth drop, but it's good to know that Butcher is decent into Amon if need be (and he has RFP to have some game into High Reclaimer)

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Battle Report #15 - Harkevich1 vs Haley2

January 19, 2017
Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Greg

Harkevich1 (Irusk proxy)
Max Winter Guard Infantry w/3 rockets
UA (Free)

Squire (Free)
Max Lances
Min Lances
Junior (Free)

Another battle of the themes.  Greg is trying out the theme as a means to get more beef into his lists.  He loses out on Ragman, Anastasia and Rhupert, but gets way more brawn.  Lack of non-colossal pathfinder maybe an issue in the future tho.  We're both prepping for the LVO.

He TK's some models, TA's the stormwall and runs stuff up.  Shifting haley towards the right flag. Everything runs up and I trample the kodiaks up and make my cloud wall.  Hark 101.


Its to bad I forgot to take this picture.  Anyways.  Greg allocates 2 to the stormwall and TK's thorn and with the reaction drive it gets thorn into my cloud wall.  Stupid me should have built the wall over 5" away from Thorn, I knew he could do that and he was barely in.  Haley then TK's a kodiak into the clouds and TA's the stormwall and FEATS.  Stormwall charges and kills the kodiak, getting one swing into the other kodiak.  Thorn moves up disrupts the left most jack and gets some damage on him.  Lances all run into annoying positions staying outside of 1" on all my stuff.


His feat catches Hark, all my jacks and about half my WGI.  My marauder and juggernaut who were engaged by 2 lances both take free strikes at dice-10, the Eleap killing a winter guard they were also engaging.  Lances on the left are now unengaged.  my WGI remove both lances on the left and an aiming rocket rolls the hard 8 and kills the lance that was also in the middle trench.  Right most Kodiak takes a free strike from a lance and vents steam on another 2 lances on the right.  Boosts on both, kills one, leave the other on 1 box.  Hark moves up and is sitting on 5 focus.   Four storm lances killed on Haley's feat turn....not bad.

Haley loads up thorn and the stormwall.  Thorn TK's the remaining kodiak and tries to TK the right most juggernaut, but misses twice even with the reroll (couldn't boost). Haley moves to dominate the right flag.  Thorn pokes the left juggernaut disrupting him and bonks the marauder 3 times with his shield to knock out his cortex.  Lances move around and shoot/smack some stuff, killing more WGI.  Laddermore threads the needle between my 2 jacks on the left, and kills something like 6 WGI.  Stowmwall moves to protect haley and kills my kodiak on the right.

Joe gives attacks to WGI and shoots the pod to free up Hark.  Right marauder hits the 7 to combo slam Thorn into my objective.  Hark casts mobility and walks over to laddermore, and bonks her on the head, doing 5 pts and staggering her.  Middle juggernat moves around objective and finishes off thorn, repo'ing towards the trench.  Left maruader moves up and combo slams the firefly outta the zone and kills a lance.  WGI mini feat and spray down the middle lance to allow my juggernaut to walk towards his stormwall (taking 2 free strikes on the way).  I put some pts on his stormwall and repo into contest range.

Haley charges Juggernaut contesting, does some damage and TK's him away.  Stormwall moves out of range of my jacks, and finishes off the jugg.  One lance charges my middle juggernaut and the other kills 2 WGI.  Firefly moves in to contest and Jr runs out of the zone.  Haley goes to 2.

Hark casts mobility and takes a free strike from laddermore, luckily she misses.  Left Marauder slams the firefly and kills him and puts 8pts on the objective.  Right marauder kills contesting lance and repo's into contest range.  Kodiak walks into b2b with laddermore, dismounts and kills her.  This is where I make my game losing mistake (spoilers!).  Instead of moving the kodiak so he could punch laddermore and then reposition to touch the object and block LOS to Hark.....I don't even repo into b2b with hark?! Plus I dont even move the remaining WGI to block the lances charge on hark.  What the heck was I thinking!  Anyways, I go to 3pts.

As expected, greg has to kill or lose.  Lance charges hark doing a lot of damage.  Haley TA's stormwall and charges juggernaut and throws an arcane bolt into hark for more damage.  Stormwall moves and shoots hark with his big the back.  Dead Harkevich.

Man this was a really good game!  The shooting presence and advance move that the theme brings seems worth the loss of orin and ragman, its at least a very interesting choice.  By the end the game, it was mine to lose as I had every tool to keep Hark safe.  But better now than in a tournament!  Might have also been a good idea to instead of get the 3pts, get 2 and move hark towards my left flag as greg had hardly any pieces left to contest.  I need to somehow do better at protecting my WGI from electro leaps, he hardly put any attacks on them directly and still managed to wipe them all out.  This matchup (when Haley doesn't bring ragman) seems pretty even but will likely favour the player going first.

I will need to continue to test it, but it feels like even without orin, the benefits of the theme and the strength of the list give it solid game into cygnar.  Haley3 will still likely be problematic since Hark is the only source of magical attacks in the list, but perhaps I should change my objective from fuel cache to armory for the scenario dependent magic attacks.  Luckily my butcher3 list can also play into non-sloan cygnar if I find a matchup that I don't feel Hark can really play into.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Battle Report #14: Harkevich vs Doomshaper2

January 18, 2017
Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Dan W
Initiative: Me

Max Winter Guard Infantry w/3 rockets
Free UA

Doomshaper2 ADR
Mountain King
min stone 

No pictures this time so I'll just give a brief overview of the game.  Once again, Dan's list is so fast and threats so far!   I wanted to see if Hark in theme could play into it.  Unfortunately I think doomy is advantaged a bit too much for comfort. 

I go first and blaze up the table, staying just out of his threat ranges (15" MK melee threat!)  He responds by running up just outta my threat.  I try to make a cloud wall that stays just outside of his feat walk and punch range, forcing him to either cast rush and feat to walk into my kodiaks, or feat and trample with rage.  He opts for the latter and kills a marauder, 2 kodiaks, cripples a third.   Ouch.

My first priority is killing the mountain king.  I try to move up and kill a couple stone guys to get the MK out of stone protection, but the 3 shots I take on the stone bearer, I don't even force a tough.  The rest of the winterguard fire at his mauler and a rocket goes into the MK.  The mountain king has probably taken 8pts so far.  I feat and get a fully loaded juggernaut and loaded marauder into him.  My dice are terrible with the marauder and leave the MK on 1 box!  I feel the MK HAS TO DIE, so I take 2 free strikes and get my final juggernaut into him, killing him on the charge, wasting 3 focus.  Perhaps I should have just killed the mauler like I planned, but I felt the MK was too big of a threat to leave fully functional, surrounded by whelps. 

That was the turning point, with the mauler still alive and my juggernaut banged up from taking a bunch of free strikes, he is able to get to much work done on his turn (even tho his earthborn and axer were full fury (but didn't frenzy!).  He grinds me out and my last ditch assassination attempt fails.

Thoughts.  I'm not sure what the best way to play into this game with Hark is.  Especially if he goes first.  Do I be really aggressive, cloud up and feat hoping he doesn't do enough?  Do I cloud up and stay much farther back?  The amount of damage he can do even from just trampling under Doomys feat is staggering.  I think Butcher3 is generally what I want to drop into trolls, and this convinces me further.  Even though with butcher the matchup isn't that great either.  Retalitory strike with wild aggression on mulg is terrifying and mulgs animus is rough on Butcher. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Battle Report #13 - Harkevich1 vs Amon1

January 18, 2017
Scenario: The Pit
Opponent: Bryan Taylor
Initiative: Me

Max Winter Guard Infantry w/3 rockets
Free UA

min Choir
min Choir
Vassal Mechanic
Free Vassal
Free Vassal
Free Covenant of Menoth

Battle of the themes! Jack spam on jack spam.  Last time Bryan played the High Reclaimer into me and after that he felt that if he couldn't kill Harkevich, the cloud wall and armour hark brings is to much.

Turn 1 we both run up.  And man is Hark fast in theme.  My kodiaks are past the halfway mark top of 1!  Once again, lots of missing pictures :(.

End of my turn 2. I didn't need mobility so I load up 2 kodiaks and a maurader on the left.   The maurder charges the dervish on the left, boosts the combo slam and rams him into the building.  One more attack goes into him leaving him on 3.  Marauder repo's back.  One kodiak charges the templar that WAS besides the building and the dervish.  He did have fortify and enliven on him, but because of bad positioning on bryans part, i was able to pin him in with a charge.  Punch him at dice-7 a couple times and throw him into the wall.  Next Kodiak charges in doing more damage and throws him at a choir member further away, leaves it on 18 boxes.  The Blue and white templar in the picture is where the it ends up.  A rocket moves up, hits and kills a vassal that bryan accidently put within 20".  I create a cloud wall but didn't quite plan it out well enough as I leave 1 kodiak in sight.  Hark runs to the flag


With full synergy and d battle he kills the kodiak in sight and gets 2 fully loaded dervishes onto the left marauder and kills him as well.  He needs to feat to do so.  With side steps he also contests my flag with the broken dervish and a full one.  He contests with 3 heavies in a triangle, placing the fortified jack in front to stop me from throwing it out of the zone.


Feat turn.  I load up a kodiak and 2 juggernauts.  My WGI, joe and hark kill the 2 contesting dervishes and shoot up the third south of the building, crippling its arms.  Kodiak kills a dervish blocking my juggernaut, juggernauts go in to finish off the fortified jack and kill the crusader.  I score 1.

Bryan is in trouble, to much armour and not enough jacks left to chew through it.  He leaves a kodiak on 3, and does some damage to my marauder knocking both its arms out.  Unfortunately the crusader had to trample to get in range though.  Bryan feels the game is pretty well over so to maximize damage, he allocates everything and gets the syngergy chain started with Amon, butting him in a risky position.

I load up my jacks that have cortex's.  The kodiak damages the templar and the juggernaut finishes it off with its charge.  With his 3 remaining focus he boosts his fist and buys and boosts an ice axe into amon, killing him. 

Bryan is still learning Menoth and in time he'll be quite skilled.  He did very well in mk2 with both cryx and khador.  He made some mistakes by not effectively using enliven and boxing in his templar turn 1.  His list struggles with the cloud walls, but at full synergy, his crusaders hit at even dice against my feated jacks.  It's crazy.  This is a game of positioning, enliven and effective cloud walls.  The list probably favours Hark slightly, especially with in theme with the extra move turn 1, but amon definitely has game into it.

Battle Report #12 - Butcher3 vs Vlad2

January 18, 2017
Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Vann K
Initiative: Vann

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)

Greylord Ternions
IF Kovnik
IF Kovnik

Vann was trying this list out for the first time, it was designed as a wormwood drop with tons strong feat targets.  A couple proxies (Ruin = Grolar. Valachev, Greylord Escort & Harlan = Ternions. Great Bear = IF Kovnik).  I'm missing quite a few pictures but will try to make due.

Bottom of 1, end of my first turn.  We both move up as shown.  Kell is able to aim and put 6pts onto the drakhun.


Vann's drakhun charges my yellow eliminators, killing 1 and missing the impact attack on the other, (I forget to counter charge).  His eliminators move up, I counter charge one and kill it.  His front manhunter charges my centre uhlans, but terrible dice leaves the uhlan alive.  He moves his grolar (ruin) out of LOS of my left uhlans but in side of my central uhlans, hoping the manhunter will tie them up.  His IFP mini feat and run up.

My eliminators clear out the jamming manhunter.  My central uhlans (with SoD) charge his grolar and leave it on about 8 boxes.  Kell and Ruin kill the 5 contesting IFP.  Bokur and Drakhun kill his drakhun and orin leaps a chain lightening off my drakhun to kill his other eiminator.  Butcher runs up as do everything else as shown.  I score 3.

Vann Feats, throws my marauder, kills both dogs, puts a lot of damage on Ruin and kills some uhlans.  But he doesn't contest enough and between my left drakhun, 2 uhlans and butcher himself I'm able to clear both flanking flags without much difficulty.

Final game state (besides the IFK that butcher killed).

Not much to say about this game.  Vlad2 is very versatile with tons of threats due to his feat and arcane might.  Vann had never played Vlad2 so he wasn't very proficient with the list, but in time it will come.  I am still liking the butcher list.  In Mk3 threat ranges are extremely important with premeasuring, and with a ton of 12-13" charges in the list, the list threatens pretty well.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Battle Report #11 - Vlad1 vs Haley3

January 16, 2017
Scenario: The Pit
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Me

Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Mortar (Free)
Mortar (Free)
Field Gun (Free)
THEME: Winter Guard Kommand

Max Trenchers
Max Storm Lances
Jr w/ Charger

End of my turn.  This terrain is terrible, I thought going first would be best to set up my gun line, but it was a huge mistake.  I should have taken the better side and scored first.  Anyways, a unit of rifles flank hard up each side around the terrain.  Everything else runs up.  Mortars advance and shoot, getting a lucky swatter forward killing 2 trenchers (and toughing 1) and putting 6pts on a grenadier!


His first turn is pretty uneventful. He moves up his grenadiers, puts a couple points on a marauder and a scatter kills a riflemen behind the right building.  Trenchers cloud up, but because of the trenchers that died, he can't make an unbroken wall, leaving a small space where Baby Haley is standing in the next photo.

Vlad moves up to get on the flag, he casts SnP and feats.  Kodiak tramples through the clouds and buys attacks on the grenadier, leaving it on 2 boxes, the steam kills the trenchers on either side.  Both Mortars shoot my kodiak in the back, one scatters and kills the grenadier, the other toughs a trencher.  Winter guard move up as shown.  Terrain and clouds are really hindering the gunline.

I had tried to position my stuff so that contesting would be very difficult, I forgot ghostwalk allows him to move through obstacles.  With ragman, his ironclad plus some shooting take out my kodiak.  Haley casts Distortion and moves onto the flag.  Baby Haley goes into the zone, Grandma puts, ghost walk on lances.  Lances run and charge, killing a couple riflemen on my right side and put some points on a marauder.  Thorn gets LOS to my mauraders with a reaction drive move and disrupts both. 

He scores 1, and due to a bit of mistaken positions, contesting is going to be difficult, silly me.  But I see an opportunity.  Vlad casts SnP, charges the stormlance into the zone, kills it then and blood boons a razor wind into Baby Haley.  Needing a boosted 11 under SnP, but I miss, sad face.  Zone isn't getting cleared, I'm in scenario trouble now.  Oh well.  One marauder combo slams thorn into a lance.  Shooting kills thorn and the other marauder kills the last remaining lance in the zone.  Rifle corp continue to flank, but i don't contest.


Ironclad and ragman move in and kill a marauder.  Haley feats, casts Distortion and revives some lances.  Lances charge in kill some more rifles and tie up some more.

Greg scores again, 3-0.  I'm in big trouble, need to do something drastic.  Vlad BoK's himself and charges Baby Haley, trying to kill her, then blood boon a razer wind into grandma haley.  But I keep missing the boosted 8 to hit baby haley, so that fails. Some other stuff happens but next turn he's able to quake hammer his grenadier to knock vlad down and then kill him with baby haley.

This is a bit of a tough match for Vlad I think.  If I can't get to his trenchers, he can protect his army from shooting/charges and can dictate the engagement.  His defense is also a bit of a problem, especially when I don't play with Joe. I forgot to deploy him and figured I'd experiment to see how the list plays without him.  Against this list, the +2 would have been very effective...obviously.  Signs and Portents can only do so much.

I got pretty luck top of 1 with my mortar killing 2 trenchers to disrupt his cloud wall.  The pit is probably also not great for vlad to try to fight haley3 into.  And I have to be very mindful of terrain.  It can make or break any match up with this many guns.  Need to keep working on moving and positioning this many guns as well, I spend too many turns not doing much.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Battle Report #10 - Butcher3 vs Fiona1 (Or more like, the rant on WINTER GUARD KOMMAND

January 13, 2017
Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Carolyn W
Initiative: Carolyn

Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Mortar (Free)
Mortar (Free)
Field Gun (Free)
THEME: Winter Guard Kommand

Max Sea dogs w/3 rifles
Max Press gangers
Devils Shadow

Carolyn was very inexperienced, and unfortunately I only brought the Butcher list to try out and I was the only one to play her, so she got the rocket spam.  It was a very one-sided even tho I tried to help her out, gave her some jacks to kill so she had some fun, but I still tabled her.  Instead of writing about the specific game, I figured I'd write my thoughts about the new theme and this list in particular.

So I've been trying to find a pair for my 7 jack Harkevich (which may also go in theme) and I think rocket spam might be the way to go (I had been working on a vlad1 list with 12 rockets before the theme dropped).  Vlad1 is the obvious choice for the rocket spam, SnP every turn is of course amazing, and having the threat of the 12-14" threat jacks is also a powerful question to ask.  I may very well end up with Vlad in the end.

So why Butcher3?  It's true he does nothing for the rockets and Joe can only be in one place at a time.  The plan is to use the combo-smite from the mauraders and the field gun to knock down hard targets for the rockets to unload on.  The rifles use CRA's to take care of infantry or softer targets and the mortars lob shots of opportunity.

So again, why Butcher3?  My theory is with Sac Pawn Butcher can pretty aggressive.  He doesn't have to worry about Eiryss stripping his focus or being shot to death by lots of boostable guns.  With the 4" move at the beginning and energizer for extra distance, I can use the marauders to be upfront, forcing the enemy to deal with them. The enemy will need to close with my army, else the rifle corp will slowly whittle them away.  But they have to respect the 12-15" area of death around Butcher.   The list also brings magical weapons which if I went with Vlad, both my lists would have almost none.   So the list asks 3 questions.  Can you deal with all the rifles and rockets?  Can you deal with 3 Khador heavies that threaten 10"-13?  And finally, can you deal with Butcher himself?  Butcher also gives an answer to vyros2 in theme with imperatus and 10 griffons.  With that many shield guards, Vyros can spread the damage around too much for vlad to deal with, and even with my marauders getting the alpha, I think they just get wrecked in response.  And then theirs haley3 or any mass incorporeal, without Butcher, I can't deal with the incorp.  Maybe I worry to much about the corner case tho.

Anyways, going second and maneuvering this many ranged models around is difficult.  It will take a lot of practice to get proficient at it.  In certain matchups, such as one with lots of AOE's, correct spacing will be key and knowing when to hold models back so that I don't lose them trivially the following turn, even if that means they don't get to shoot.  The range threat is strong however.  The list shot the galleon off the table from full (although it took nearly every gun in my army to do it), and having Butcher as an anchor seems like a great base for the list.  However, trying to hit def 12+ is pretty sketchy with rockets if you don't knock the target down, this is where SnP really comes in (not to mention the damage).  But I also worry that even with SnP, its going to be difficult to keep all the rockets in control, with butcher they are completely caster independent, which does have some flexibilty.

I'll have to continue to test, I'd like to get 15 games in with the rocket spam list (B3 or vlad) before the LVO.  Enough of this rant, I'm tired.  Goodnight.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Battle Report #9: Harkevich1 vs High Reclaimer1

January 11, 2017
Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Bryan Taylor
Initiative: Bryan

Ogrun Bokur (c: Harkevich)
Ogrun Bokur (c: Ragman)
Orin Midwinter

High Reclaimer1
Scourge of Heresy
Knights Exemplar
Max Vengers
Max Idrians + CA
Rhoven and co.
Min Cleansers + CA
Min Choir

Ok so there's a lot of proxies in this report but I remembered pictures again. My models are out being painted and Bryan just bought a bunch:

Here's the proxy legend:
Winter guard infantry = Idrians
Storm knights = Vengers
Ternion + IF Kovniks = Rhoven & co.
Risen = ChoirRockbottom = Cleanser CA
Templar = Scourge of Heresy
Large bases with Khador jack pictures on them

End of Round 1.  I run up, he runs ups.  His Idrians advance and shoot the prey'd Kodiak (shield wall token kodiak). He does something like 16pts doing 2 man CRA's with Hof.

(Forgot picture)

Hark casts mobility, moves up and shoots an Idrian. Kodiaks tample up and make a cloud wall spanning from the forest on the left to almost the house on the right.  Maurader on the left charges venger closest to him and such an angle that the combo slam slams him into the leader.  Killing the charge target and knocking the other down.  Other stuff moves up

The standing vengers charge the maruader which was right beside the house, as does the reckoner.  I could have moved hark a little to the left and put the maurader out of LOS of the reckoner, oh well, dead marauder.  Idrians move up and shot my juggernaut, as do the cleansers.  About 9 damage is done.  Other stuff moves up.

It's feat turn!  Ragman moves up so that dark shroud will be applied to the templar.  Full kodiak charges into templar, hits it twice, throws it into the building and continues to beat on it.  My dice are terrible tho and leave it on 9.  Other kodiak charges it to finish it off instead of fighting vengers.  Orin, and kodiak kill some Idrians, juggernaut tramples the rest, finishing off the unit and buys a couple attacks into Scourge.  Decent damage on Scourge and I hit the crit so he's stationary.  Marauder kills 3 cleaners then repo's back to the flag to score.  Silly me doesn't repo the kodiak onto the flag

(Couple missing pictures)

1-0.  Bryan is in a rough spot and reponds by trying to do damage to my jacks, not much is done.  I respond by killing all but 1 vengers (mistake on my part leave the last one alive) and I kill some exemplar as well as Rhoven and co. I run Harkevich away but do it haphazardly not respecting the crazy threat range of HR.  I also score a flag.

2-0.  Bryan has his feat for a last ditch assassination run, he is far to down on attrition.  He is able to get one exemplar onto Hark as well as 2 HoF'd Vengers.  But Hark is camping 3 and Hark lives with lots of life to spare.  I kill HR.

Not to much to say about this matchup.  Bryan made a mistake by letting me kill all the Idrians, if he held one back his assassination would have had more attacks.   However, the amount of armour and clouds I bring HR can't really deal with effectively (it's possible Bryan didn't leverage the Exemplar well enough, perhaps they can tip the scale). The match should be in Hark favour if and ONLY IF I can keep Hark safe.  That is what this match hinges on and it will likely be difficult to keep him safe against a cagey opponent.

Battle Report #8: Butcher3 vs High Reclaimer1

January 11, 2017
Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Bryan Taylor
Initiative: Bryan

Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans

High Reclaimer1
Scourge of Heresy
Knights Exemplar
Max Vengers
Max Idrians + CA
Rhoven and co.
Min Cleansers + CA
Min Choir

Ok so there's a lot of proxies in this report but I actually remembered pictures this time! My models are out being painted and Bryan just bought a bunch:

Here's the proxy legend:
Winter guard infantry = Idrians
Storm knights = Vengers
Ternion + IF Kovniks = Rhoven & co.
Risen = ChoirRockbottom = Cleanser CA
Templar = Scourge of Heresy
Greylord outrider = Uhlan leader

End of round 1. Butcher casts energizer and everything charges and runs up. I try to use uhlans to tie up idrians. Probably shouldn't have used the unit that was their prey.... Alexia move up, hits a def 17 idrian with a hellfire, removes it from play, and repo's back.

In response, the HoF'd idrians kill the 2 engaging uhlans and shoot the third, killing the unit and shifting prey to the drakhun to which he also shot and put 5pts on. The rest of his stuff run around as shown.

Time to get work done. Butcher puts silence of death onto himself, charges up, engergizes into position and pulls almost all the idrians and removes them all from play. He also kills scourge but due to slightly bad positioning, the reckoner is a tiny bit out of range. I have to feat to kill scourge and I end up sitting on 3. Ruin gets a soul from a venger and chargers the reckoner, knocking everyting out except for his cortex and right arm, uh oh.... Alexia moves up to deny souls from the errants that my eliminators kill to score the flag. HR only gets 2 souls the entire turn.

Bryan needs to kill me or lose. Cleanser aim and blast butcher, bryans dice are on fire! They burn through 2 of my focus and put 4pts of damage on top of that. HR feats back Exemplars, puts them into position to walk into butcher, and puts HoF on them. HR walks into butcher (6.9” away!) and puts another 5 or so pts of damage on him. He gets 3 Exemplar onto butcher (drakhun counter charged and killed 2) but his dice arn't great and leave butcher on 7. But reckoner gets the job done and puts butcher into the dirt.

Butcher has game and tools into HR, but i definitely underestimate his assassination potential. Even if I had killed the reckoner, which with better positioning I think I could have, he still has a decent chance of killing Butcher. Silence of death is money in this match, as is being able to deny HR souls with good placement of Ruin and Alexia. Going first is probably good against HR as well. Matchup probably isn't favoured to much one way or another