Scenario: Incursion
Opponent: Geoff M
Initiative: Me
4x Marauders
3x min rifles w/9 total rockets
Mortar (free)
Field Gun (free)
2x Hunter
Max Trenchers w/CA & 3 rifle grenades
This time I do remember to advance move the jacks. Marauders on the left turtle up to protect ruin. Sloan feats and damages a marauder on the left and leaves one on the right on 3 boxes. Some bad dice and not getting sloan into shoot means he doesn't kill a jack.
Marauder on the left moves onto the flag to force him to contest. Marauder on the right contests right flag. Middle left marauder runs up to engage 3 trenchers, removing dig in from them. My mortar shoots it in the back misses but scatters forwards killing the 3 trenchers (or toughs them and rifle corp finish them off.) Rifle corp and rockets focus on the grenedier and take him down. Ruin charges to get into the rubble.
Hunters, defender and sloan kill ruin (I always underestimate her out put, even against khador jacks). The 2 remaining trencher grenades kill 5 rifles and a rocket (stupid bunching up). Other trenchers kill some rifles and put some damage on a marauder. Minuteman moves up and slugs the left marauder, spiking hard to take out his cortex and right arm.

Left middle marauder gets full focus and kills 4 trenchers. I need to kill the minute man contesting my left flag so I could start scoring. Decide to burn my feat to make sure it happens. Couple rockets and rifles made sure it happens. Other rifles kill some trenchers, but damn, def 17 is hard to hit.
(Missing Picture)
Trenchers kill some more rifles, and the defender and hunters keep hammering away at my jacks, they are all getting really beat up, losing most systems. Arlan charges my left marauder, and the GMCA also contest (he should have held him back to contest the following turn).

Middle marauders and rifles kill most of the remaining trenchers, leaving 2 alive and fin on 1 box. Marauder on left takes a free strike and remains touching the flag. Rifles and rockets kill arlan and GMCA. Left maurader continues to trundle towards hunters. 2-0
Game is pretty well over at this point. He can't kill butcher because of sac pawn and high armour, and his ability to contest my left flag is dwindling. We play 2 more turns but there was no question of the outcome.
I played this matchup pretty bad I feel, I lost too many rifles to bad positioning, and rifle positioning is key to this list. I haven't really talked about what its supposed to do, but its pretty straight forward and self explanatory. Butchers feat is for extreme damage at range. Maruaders and field gun Knock heavies down for rockets to focus fire on. Rifles CRA to take out infantry to cav (on feat turn). Very straight forward, but very strong.
I chose butcher1 over vlad1 for a few reasons, tho I'm not sure its the stronger option. Vlad brings the turn to turn accuracy and damage. But Butcher brings the single turn of crushing damage output and he brings Ruin. Ruin and Butcher are my only magic weapons in my pairing (Irusk2) so that's why I chose him. Maybe I'll try vlad after the next convention. His feat for 12" threat jacks is really strong over Butchers very static threat range jacks (tho ruin is good with his 11" threat).