Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Greg
Harkevich1 (Irusk proxy)
Max Winter Guard Infantry w/3 rockets
UA (Free)
Squire (Free)
Max Lances
Min Lances
Junior (Free)
Another battle of the themes. Greg is trying out the theme as a means to get more beef into his lists. He loses out on Ragman, Anastasia and Rhupert, but gets way more brawn. Lack of non-colossal pathfinder maybe an issue in the future tho. We're both prepping for the LVO.

He TK's some models, TA's the stormwall and runs stuff up. Shifting haley towards the right flag. Everything runs up and I trample the kodiaks up and make my cloud wall. Hark 101.
Its to bad I forgot to take this picture. Anyways. Greg allocates 2 to the stormwall and TK's thorn and with the reaction drive it gets thorn into my cloud wall. Stupid me should have built the wall over 5" away from Thorn, I knew he could do that and he was barely in. Haley then TK's a kodiak into the clouds and TA's the stormwall and FEATS. Stormwall charges and kills the kodiak, getting one swing into the other kodiak. Thorn moves up disrupts the left most jack and gets some damage on him. Lances all run into annoying positions staying outside of 1" on all my stuff.

His feat catches Hark, all my jacks and about half my WGI. My marauder and juggernaut who were engaged by 2 lances both take free strikes at dice-10, the Eleap killing a winter guard they were also engaging. Lances on the left are now unengaged. my WGI remove both lances on the left and an aiming rocket rolls the hard 8 and kills the lance that was also in the middle trench. Right most Kodiak takes a free strike from a lance and vents steam on another 2 lances on the right. Boosts on both, kills one, leave the other on 1 box. Hark moves up and is sitting on 5 focus. Four storm lances killed on Haley's feat turn....not bad.

Haley loads up thorn and the stormwall. Thorn TK's the remaining kodiak and tries to TK the right most juggernaut, but misses twice even with the reroll (couldn't boost). Haley moves to dominate the right flag. Thorn pokes the left juggernaut disrupting him and bonks the marauder 3 times with his shield to knock out his cortex. Lances move around and shoot/smack some stuff, killing more WGI. Laddermore threads the needle between my 2 jacks on the left, and kills something like 6 WGI. Stowmwall moves to protect haley and kills my kodiak on the right.
Joe gives attacks to WGI and shoots the pod to free up Hark. Right marauder hits the 7 to combo slam Thorn into my objective. Hark casts mobility and walks over to laddermore, and bonks her on the head, doing 5 pts and staggering her. Middle juggernat moves around objective and finishes off thorn, repo'ing towards the trench. Left maruader moves up and combo slams the firefly outta the zone and kills a lance. WGI mini feat and spray down the middle lance to allow my juggernaut to walk towards his stormwall (taking 2 free strikes on the way). I put some pts on his stormwall and repo into contest range.

Haley charges Juggernaut contesting, does some damage and TK's him away. Stormwall moves out of range of my jacks, and finishes off the jugg. One lance charges my middle juggernaut and the other kills 2 WGI. Firefly moves in to contest and Jr runs out of the zone. Haley goes to 2.

Hark casts mobility and takes a free strike from laddermore, luckily she misses. Left Marauder slams the firefly and kills him and puts 8pts on the objective. Right marauder kills contesting lance and repo's into contest range. Kodiak walks into b2b with laddermore, dismounts and kills her. This is where I make my game losing mistake (spoilers!). Instead of moving the kodiak so he could punch laddermore and then reposition to touch the object and block LOS to Hark.....I don't even repo into b2b with hark?! Plus I dont even move the remaining WGI to block the lances charge on hark. What the heck was I thinking! Anyways, I go to 3pts.

As expected, greg has to kill or lose. Lance charges hark doing a lot of damage. Haley TA's stormwall and charges juggernaut and throws an arcane bolt into hark for more damage. Stormwall moves and shoots hark with his big the back. Dead Harkevich.
Man this was a really good game! The shooting presence and advance move that the theme brings seems worth the loss of orin and ragman, its at least a very interesting choice. By the end the game, it was mine to lose as I had every tool to keep Hark safe. But better now than in a tournament! Might have also been a good idea to instead of get the 3pts, get 2 and move hark towards my left flag as greg had hardly any pieces left to contest. I need to somehow do better at protecting my WGI from electro leaps, he hardly put any attacks on them directly and still managed to wipe them all out. This matchup (when Haley doesn't bring ragman) seems pretty even but will likely favour the player going first.
I will need to continue to test it, but it feels like even without orin, the benefits of the theme and the strength of the list give it solid game into cygnar. Haley3 will still likely be problematic since Hark is the only source of magical attacks in the list, but perhaps I should change my objective from fuel cache to armory for the scenario dependent magic attacks. Luckily my butcher3 list can also play into non-sloan cygnar if I find a matchup that I don't feel Hark can really play into.
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