Scenario: The Pit
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Me
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Min rifles w/3 Rockets
Mortar (Free)
Mortar (Free)
Field Gun (Free)
THEME: Winter Guard Kommand
Max Trenchers
Max Storm Lances
Jr w/ Charger

End of my turn. This terrain is terrible, I thought going first would be best to set up my gun line, but it was a huge mistake. I should have taken the better side and scored first. Anyways, a unit of rifles flank hard up each side around the terrain. Everything else runs up. Mortars advance and shoot, getting a lucky swatter forward killing 2 trenchers (and toughing 1) and putting 6pts on a grenadier!
His first turn is pretty uneventful. He moves up his grenadiers, puts a couple points on a marauder and a scatter kills a riflemen behind the right building. Trenchers cloud up, but because of the trenchers that died, he can't make an unbroken wall, leaving a small space where Baby Haley is standing in the next photo.

Vlad moves up to get on the flag, he casts SnP and feats. Kodiak tramples through the clouds and buys attacks on the grenadier, leaving it on 2 boxes, the steam kills the trenchers on either side. Both Mortars shoot my kodiak in the back, one scatters and kills the grenadier, the other toughs a trencher. Winter guard move up as shown. Terrain and clouds are really hindering the gunline.

I had tried to position my stuff so that contesting would be very difficult, I forgot ghostwalk allows him to move through obstacles. With ragman, his ironclad plus some shooting take out my kodiak. Haley casts Distortion and moves onto the flag. Baby Haley goes into the zone, Grandma puts, ghost walk on lances. Lances run and charge, killing a couple riflemen on my right side and put some points on a marauder. Thorn gets LOS to my mauraders with a reaction drive move and disrupts both.

He scores 1, and due to a bit of mistaken positions, contesting is going to be difficult, silly me. But I see an opportunity. Vlad casts SnP, charges the stormlance into the zone, kills it then and blood boons a razor wind into Baby Haley. Needing a boosted 11 under SnP, but I miss, sad face. Zone isn't getting cleared, I'm in scenario trouble now. Oh well. One marauder combo slams thorn into a lance. Shooting kills thorn and the other marauder kills the last remaining lance in the zone. Rifle corp continue to flank, but i don't contest.
Ironclad and ragman move in and kill a marauder. Haley feats, casts Distortion and revives some lances. Lances charge in kill some more rifles and tie up some more.

Greg scores again, 3-0. I'm in big trouble, need to do something drastic. Vlad BoK's himself and charges Baby Haley, trying to kill her, then blood boon a razer wind into grandma haley. But I keep missing the boosted 8 to hit baby haley, so that fails. Some other stuff happens but next turn he's able to quake hammer his grenadier to knock vlad down and then kill him with baby haley.
This is a bit of a tough match for Vlad I think. If I can't get to his trenchers, he can protect his army from shooting/charges and can dictate the engagement. His defense is also a bit of a problem, especially when I don't play with Joe. I forgot to deploy him and figured I'd experiment to see how the list plays without him. Against this list, the +2 would have been very effective...obviously. Signs and Portents can only do so much.
I got pretty luck top of 1 with my mortar killing 2 trenchers to disrupt his cloud wall. The pit is probably also not great for vlad to try to fight haley3 into. And I have to be very mindful of terrain. It can make or break any match up with this many guns. Need to keep working on moving and positioning this many guns as well, I spend too many turns not doing much.
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