Scenario: Recon
Opponent: Greg S
Initiative: Greg
Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)
Squire (Free)
Max Lances
Min Lances
Junior (Free)
Min Field Mechanics
This was the final table of a local 11 man steamroller. Greg and I are both prepping for the LVO and we have relatively even record against each other so we knew it was going to be a tight game. Greg felt his Haley3 didn't quite have enough arm cracking to deal with Harkevich as he is my normal Cygnar drop. However entrenched is a scenario that Butcher loves, and with Orin and Ruin in the list he has some solid tools in the Haleys. Giddyup.

End of Round 1. Haley TK's 4 models and everything runs up. I run up everything as well, trying to keep my forces spread out so Haley can't feat on everything. While trying to keep Butcher out of feat range and still threatening the zone, I make a stupid mistake and place Ruin outta control. Kell aims and kills a stormlance. Not sure why Greg put them so close.

Thorn moves up, dominates the marauder forward which gets killed by Laddermore and a stormclad. His max lance unit shifts over to cover his zone, knowing Butcher can easily clear and dominate, he doesn't want to put anything with 12" of Butcher in fear of losing too much. He kills my jamming Uhlan, and the one behind the forest gets killed by eleaps. Haley doesn't feat.

Ruin was out of control. Stupid stupid mistake. Kell aims and shoots the stormclad for 6pts. Only need to do 5pts of damage to column 4 or 5 to take out the cortex now. I move Butcher into the zone and position with entourage around him. The drakhun covers most of the zone while staying outside of charge threat range of the lance that can see him. I send Ruin into the damaged stormclad, but dont hit the right column. If only I could have allocated to him. My Uhlans charge his objective, bad dice require 3 of them to kill it, I jam with them and position the drakhun in the corner of the zone. 2-0.
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He clears out all my uhlans, puts 7 pts on my left drahun, and TK's him outt the zone. Haley feats and moves far forward and barely clips the eliminator that I had positioned to run into the zone to contest. Nothing on my right side is under feat. He boxes out the zone so after my drakhun kills a lance he can't repo in. Ruin dies but it takes a stormclad, 2 lances and a firefly charge to bring him down. Go Ruin. Everything is just outside of butchers 12" threat. He runs the mechanic officer in to contest just outside of counter charge range. 2-1.

Kell aims and kills a lance. With the mechanic in the zone, Butcher has his charge target. He charges the mechanic pulls in the firefly and stormclad, killing them both. He feats and energizes behind the wall. Left flank doesn't do too much and unfortunately I can't contest. 3-2.
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Greg mops up the left side but has difficulty contesting. He runs arcane shields laddermore and runs her into the zone. She takes a free strike from an argus and a countercharge from my wardog, but she conests. 3-3.

Drakhun charges a lances, hills him and repo's into mechanics and Jr. Bokur dismounts laddermore, bucher flashing blades her then backs up into the rubble. I position my guys as so. 4-3
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To contest Greg runs Thorn to TK a dog, then TK the stormclad so the stormclad can run into my zone. With a TK and a charge from haley, the lances and Jr are able to kill my Drakhun. Greg clocks to me with 1 second left on his clock. 4-4.

All I have to do is kill the stormclad and clock over to him since we would both score to 5 and then he would time out. Butcher easily kills the stormclad, and my dog is able to run to contest just for good measure. 5-4.

Kell aims and kills a lance. With the mechanic in the zone, Butcher has his charge target. He charges the mechanic pulls in the firefly and stormclad, killing them both. He feats and energizes behind the wall. Left flank doesn't do too much and unfortunately I can't contest. 3-2.
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Greg mops up the left side but has difficulty contesting. He runs arcane shields laddermore and runs her into the zone. She takes a free strike from an argus and a countercharge from my wardog, but she conests. 3-3.

Drakhun charges a lances, hills him and repo's into mechanics and Jr. Bokur dismounts laddermore, bucher flashing blades her then backs up into the rubble. I position my guys as so. 4-3
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To contest Greg runs Thorn to TK a dog, then TK the stormclad so the stormclad can run into my zone. With a TK and a charge from haley, the lances and Jr are able to kill my Drakhun. Greg clocks to me with 1 second left on his clock. 4-4.

All I have to do is kill the stormclad and clock over to him since we would both score to 5 and then he would time out. Butcher easily kills the stormclad, and my dog is able to run to contest just for good measure. 5-4.
Oh man this was a great game! Couple mistakes on both sides, but when is there not? Butcher is really strong in entrenched and going second (even against H2) probably won me the game, not that it was my choice tho. The terrain also helped as he didn't have access to pathfinder, which is a problem with the Storm Division. Although it does allow more beef in the list.
The double drakhun is great in this list. The double Uhlans.....I'm not sure about, I've thought about dropping a unit for a Juggernaut, but being able to act outside of 12" from butcher is really good, especially in scenario's like this one or recon. Anyways, I'm not gonna make any changes this close to the LVO.
The double drakhun is great in this list. The double Uhlans.....I'm not sure about, I've thought about dropping a unit for a Juggernaut, but being able to act outside of 12" from butcher is really good, especially in scenario's like this one or recon. Anyways, I'm not gonna make any changes this close to the LVO.
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