Scenario: Extraction
Opponent: Bryan T
Initiative: Bryan
Min Uhlans
Min Uhlans
Bokur (c:Butcher)
min Choir
min Choir
Vassal Mechanic
Free Vassal
Free Vassal
Free Covenant of Menoth
I think Hark is generally going to be my Menoth drop, but I wanted to get practice with Butcher and see how he can play into Amon WITH the book. Luckily Kell and eliminators can threat the book decently so I feel its at least a game.

He runs up in such a way that if I move up and shoot nearly any jack with Kell he can string it through shield guards onto the left templar that has enliven on it. Templar on the left has fortify. I move up as shown. Staying out of threat range of everything except for one of butchers dogs.

Bryan decides to be conservative and tank up. He contests the left flag with the fortified templar but does not contest the right flag. Bryan admits after that that was a mistake. I drop SoD from the middle Uhlans and put it on Ruin. I send a fully loaded Ruin into the fortified templar and with some good dice he kills it outright. One uhlan from the middle unit charges a the dervish behind the now dead templar but misses the boosted 8 and reforms into the flag. Right drakhun goes B2B with the flag to score. Kell shoots some jacks and everything else moves up. 2-0 for me.

(I took the picture before I moved the wardog within 3" of Butcher). Bryan see's a chance to assassinate butcher who is only camping 2 focus. I forgot about the side steps. but I still feel like butcher is pretty safe, baring some spiking. So Bryan doesn't allocate anything, feats and casts all his spells, allocates all 7 focus. He kills the uhlans on the left as well as Ruin and left eliminators getting his synergy chain up to 3. I accidently leave my marauder within 10" of the crusader and it gets killed as well.
He charges a dervish at my drakhun, hits him twice (doesn't dismount) and the 2 side steps gets him into butcher. However, he has to disengage the drakhun to make room for the second dervish, so the drakhun counter charges, does some damage and more importantly, gets out of charge range of the second dervish. So he buys 2 attacks on butcher missing the first and doing 8pts of damage (3pts) to Butcher. Templar goes into drakhun and dismounts him.

He has the book doing anti-magic so butcher has a limited area he can stand in and do his stuff. Drakhun charges the fortified Templar and takes out his shield. My eliminators also charge and combo strike but I do hardly any damage at all. Butcher flashing blades the dervish in front of him and charges the front crusader. He pulls in 2 dervishes and kills all 3. Sitting on 5 focus after feat. All my charge various things and do quite a bit of damage and gum things up to protect butcher. But some crappy positioning on my part stops me from getting any uhlans on the damaged Templar.

Bryan kills 4 uhlans and 2 eliminators. He moves the templar onto the left flag to bring the game to 2-1. Fortunately for me all 3 of his lights are heavily damanged as is his templar. Unfortunately Bryan had to go pick up his game so we have to cut the game short. It seems like we're in a reletively even position so it would depend on how my next turn went. Bryan said he felt that the game was mine.
Anyways, this seems like a pretty good matchup, with a bit of favour towards Amon assuming he has the book. The three shield guards helps keep the book alive since Amon doesn't have a good way at removing Kell, perhaps with a WMM in the list as well it would do better. Trying to position the eliminators so they can threaten the book is probably pretty important.
His jacks hit like trucks with synergy and battle, and hit really high defense so whatever he gets to he can kill. Need to use my speed and send my stuff in in waves. Putting my marauder at 9.9" away from the crusader was a silly mistake. I think Hark is still my Menoth drop, but it's good to know that Butcher is decent into Amon if need be (and he has RFP to have some game into High Reclaimer)
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